Caroline Newberger

Expertise: Leading students through a powerful yet sweet yoga practice that is accessible for all levels of experience.

Experience: RYT 200, Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner

Why Yoga For Me?

Yoga has opened my eyes and heart to the possibilities that can occur when we are simply present. How sweet it is to experience the sensation of simply being aware of our physical bodies, energetics, and breath. By connecting with ourselves, I have found we can then connect with others in the most beautiful ways. I have learned it is possible to be both grounded and lifted at the same time which has positively impacted my life far beyond my yoga mat. Yoga provides opportunities to explore such powerful connections.

What Inspires You About The HOY Community?

Our community is the epitome of supportive. We hold space for each other as we all walk through the journey of life.  This community reminds me that we see in others what we see in ourselves, which feels so sweet and humbling to know we are all willing to learn together.

Why Do You Teach?

I teach to share the sweetness yoga has provided in my life in hopes to inspire and empower the mind, body, and heart of others. I see we are all unique individuals, yet we are all connected. How special it is to know that we are never alone. I aspire for my students to feel heard, seen, and accepted, and I am humbled to hold space for others this way.

What Fires You Up Off The Mat?

My loved ones, music, living life to the fullest, and of course- my 2 cats.

Jacqueline Dahlheimer